Network Protection and Visibility

Detect and prevent threats. Monitor network traffic. Prevent ransomware spread. Microsegment your network.

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Data Loss

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Lost Business

Enemies look for security gaps in your network to disrupt operations, steal data, or extort you for ransom

Even with the best prevention controls in place, security professionals know threats will likely appear in their network. Added cloud complexity, unanticipated user behavior, etc. can create exploitable gaps that leave your network at risk. Making matters worse, today’s adversaries are tougher than ever to detect and defeat.

Threat detection that spans the entire network is critical. Your business, and your reputation, are riding on your ability to find, assess, and stop these advanced threats.

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Cloud Firewall

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Network Traffic Analysis

Quickly identify and remediate threats, and microsegment local networks to eliminate ransomware spread

Ericom Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and network traffic analysis detect threats within your network and automatically takes steps to eliminate them. A full picture of network activity is available in easy-to-use dashboards.

Admins can easily microsegment networks and enforce granular access policies, restricting system visibility and access to only those who truly need it for comprehensive network protection. This least-privileged access approach limits the impact of ransomware and data exfiltration attacks. Also, the cloud firewall service can reduce – or in some cases eliminate – the need to retain firewalls on-premises.

  • Quickly identify and eliminate threats within your local network
  • Minimize the “blast radius” of attacks by using microsegmentation to limit access and cloak network apps and resources from threats
  • Eliminate costly and complex on-premises network security gear

Automatic Policy Builder

Build Granular Per-User Access Policies — Automatically

The patent-pending Automatic Policy Builder automates user-level policy creation and provides real-time monitoring to simplify remote application access. This unique capability frees up development time and makes policies easy to create, maintain, and monitor. AI-enabled analysis and alerting enable constant improvement of your network security posture, for better network protection. Manual overrides and adjustments can be applied as needed, to ensure that no user is dangerously over-privileged or needlessly inconvenienced.

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Moving to a Zero Trust
isolation-based security
approach is faster and easier
than you think.

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